Datta Seva Samiti successfully ran BRGF training program at KALAMB block
Operational Guidelines
- Dates for meetings are to be determined in advance by the panchayats.
- Notices to be printed and distributed and adequate awareness created through the display of fixed notices in public places, particularly about the responsibility of the gram and ward sabhas in the plan formulation
- Special interest groups such as in SHGs etc., are to be contacted for attending the ward and gram sabhas.
- Information to be given through NGOs, libraries, schools, anganwadis and cooperatives functioning in the area about Ward and Gram Sabhas.
Campaigns through National Service Scheme and Nehru Yuvak Kendra (NYK) volunteers, NCC cadets and College students could be undertaken. House visits through squad work, particularly mobilized through the Ward member could be arranged. The Gram Panchayat shall be nominating two facilitators, one male and one female, identified unanimously for each Ward Sabha. These facilitators could also be earmarked for special training at the Block/Municipal levels. Having a proper structure for the Gram and Ward Sabha with scope to break up into smaller groups for discussion. It would be useful to meticulously keep records of the meetings, such as an attendance register with details, Photographs, etc., where feasible.